Beginnings are fun and exciting. And a little scary and confusing. There’s so much to figure out, and so much work to do!
Well, here I am, almost three months in to starting my own woodworking company. I’ve had several wholesale orders, many retail orders, and I have a product line of 20 items. I’ve barely scratched the surface! The good news is that I still love doing what I got in this game to do: Woodworking! I had a request from a gentleman on my website to be put on my mailing list, and I thought… “Wow, I should probably have one of those.”
In future blog posts, I’ll be covering new products, ideas, and processes. However, I don’t only want to talk about the business, I want to cover some basic woodworking for people who may only have a vague recollection that wood comes from trees. Wood is incredibly complex and surprisingly vital and changing. There are vibrant natural colors and grain patterns. Did you know that sometimes fungus grows in wood, and once it’s kiln dried it leaves erratic thin lines that look a little bit like topographical lines on a map? Did you know that the Rainbow Eucalyptus is a tree with multiple hues of colors of the rainbow, all growing together in one tree? These are some of the topics I’d like to begin to explore, and I’m looking forward to learning more about woodworking and home decorating and sharing some of that knowledge with you!
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